Frequently Asked Questions...

I am trying to import, but I am not seeing "Open in Teachers Assistant"!

I am trying to import, but I am getting an error or the import button is grayed out …

I watched the import video, but nothing happens when I try to import…

Can I sync my student data between multiple devices?  What about Dropbox?

My date/time is stuck, how do I get the current date/time?

Where/how does the app record what emails are sent?

Can I put in student grades, attendance, birthdays, seating charts, etc.?

When I send an email to a parent, how do I make sure that my email address is my school's address and not my personal email address?

How about an Android version?

What about a Mac/Windows version?


I am trying to import, but I am not seeing "Open in Teachers Assistant"!
Be absolutely sure you are using a proper CSV format. You can test this by trying to import the empty template file without editing it first. The template file is on the ">home page at the bottom. You must use this file on a desktop or laptop computer. Right click (or click and hold) and save the target file.

I am trying to import, but I am getting an error or the import button is grayed out …
***Macintosh Excel 2008 does not export properly to CSV, Macintosh Excel 2011 works fine. Read below for a fix! ***

Import only works on the pro or upgraded free versions. Try opening your CSV import file in excel or numbers to be certain that there are no commas or quotes (please use a desktop/laptop). If asked, save as “comma delimited” format and "continue" if excel gives a warning while saving as a CSV file. If you are certain there are no commas or quotes, copy and paste your spreadsheet cells to a brand new workbook, then re-save as a CSV file. Just to be safe, reboot your device (tap and hold the top button for 5 seconds, slide to power off, wait 30 seconds, tap to turn back on). This is the method I have used to fix 99% of all files.

THIS JUST IN...In column "L" in your spreadsheet, type a period in the first blank cell (L2), click cell L3 then L2 again and "copy". Now highlight cells L3 to the end of your data and click "paste". This will put a period in all your "L" cells and (hopefully) force the export to work as expected.

I watched the import video, but nothing happens when I try to import…
Importing is functional in the pro or the upgraded free versions only. Also, be sure you are running the latest version of Teacher's Assistant/ Teacher's Assistant Pro.

Can I sync my student data between multiple devices?
Syncing between multiple devices is not yet supported. I am working on an update which will use a premium and secure cloud service as long as the data belongs to the same user (subscription will be required). You can always exchange data by going to “settings”, “export” and “send via email” if you just want to send your data to another device. Using this method, the data will not “merge”, it will replace your existing data.

My date/time is stuck, how do I get the current date/time?
Go to the app settings. Tap "default action values" and tap clear. When the date is filled in on this default action screen, the app thinks this is always the date you want. Fill in the other fields, but leave the date blank to always get the current date and time.

Where/how does the app record what emails are sent?
All email is handled by the default Apple mail app, so any sent email will be in your corresponding "sent" folder.

Can I put in student grades, attendance, seating charts, etc.?
There are no plans for these items at this time. I have put many hours of thought into some of these ideas. The app’s strength is that it tracks behavior and helps teachers communicate with parents. If there’s a feature that is missing that can make the app do this better please send me an email.

When I send an email to a parent, how do I make sure that my email address is my school's address and not my personal email address?
You must add your school email account to your device from the “settings” app, then tap “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” to add your school account. Your school’s IT department may help you add your school email account to your device.

How about an Android version?
Android is in development.

What about a Mac/Windows version?
A Mac version is available now (trial/free version and full version). There are no plans for windows.